Monday, 30 April 2018
The Generators - The Legend Of Gary Pogo
Forming in 1997, The Generators are the Los Angeles street punk 'n' rollers who feature Doug Kane (vocals), Mike Snow (guitar), Teddy Hahn (bass), Steven Reese (drums) and Barry Monroe (guitar). There's a good band history on their Facebook page if you want to know more about them and you can also check out their numerous upcoming gigs
4th May will see the release of their new album. Titled Broken Stars & Crooked Stripes it'll be available via Randale Records and you can get details here :
If the song you can see below is any indication, the album is going to be a belter. A classic modern day anthem that any punk will want to sing along to. Very impressive. This is The Legend Of Gary Pogo....
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Gumming - Anger Ranting
The next Just Some Punk Songs show will broadcast this Tuesday at 8pm (gmt) and will be a special show featuring just bands with female vocalists. Don't expect X Ray Spex, Siouxsie And The Banshees, Bikini Kill etc as that would be too predictable (and too much of a nostalgia fest). The bands I'll be playing will be for the most part more modern day (though the classic corner section of the show will feature a song from 1966). Also don't expect anything as predictable as a playlist comprising the likes of Amyl And The Sniffers, Neighborhood Brats, Stiletto Bomb, Ubik and all those other great bands that have lit up recent shows. That would be a bit too easy (although a couple of recently featured bands with new releases will get another plug). What can you expect? Tune in Tuesday and you'll hopefully be wowed....
As a teaser I'll feature one of the bands that'll feature on today's update. Gumming formed in March 2017, are based in Richmond, Virginia and feature Emilie (vocals), Landon (guitar), Marisa (bass) and Lee (drums). In May of last year they announced themselves with an 8 track Self Titled release that's name your price on Bandcamp. Last month they returned with impressive album Human Values. It's also name your price so no reason not to snap it up....
Also online is a 15 minute video of their first ever gig....
The song I'm highlighting is track 8 on the album and is a good summation of their sound. Noisy, pissed off but not without a tune. Really good actually. This is Anger Ranting.....
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Street Dogs - Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing
Street Dogs are the Boston band that features ex Dropkick Murphys vocalist Mike McColgan, along with Johnny Rioux (bass), Matt Pruitt (guitar), Lenny Lashley (guitar) and Pete Sosa (drums). They'll be releasing their 6th album on June 22nd. It'll be titled Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing and it'll be available from Century Media. You can pre order it on cd or various coloured limited edition vinyl :
They'll be touring America's East and West coast this summer and details are available here :
It's been 8 years since their last album, 2010's Self Titled, but there's no shortage of subjects for them to write about. Concerned about the dumbing down of America, the band are calling on the working class to wake the fuck up and unite across all colours, creeds, nationalities & genders. Don't do what you're told, don't be taken in by those in power. Think for yourself and live how you want to. Expect 11 tracks of social commentary on a fucked up world. Intelligent, passionate lyrics with killer tunes.
To whet our appetites they've just released the title track. Stand For Something Or Die For Nothing.....
Friday, 27 April 2018
Girth Control - Coffee Me! (Review By Jeffrey Thunders)
A guest review today from Jeffrey Thunders who regular visitors may remember is vocalist with New Haven band The Lost Riots
Today he wants to recommend the recent 7" from Girth Control so I'll leave you in his capable hands...
One of the most fun bands out today are Girth control who hail from Albany NY. The ska/punk trio released their 7" " Shorter, Faster, Dumber" this past November. Short and fast is what it is. With 14 tracks and only one topping the minute mark with "Bad Things" clocking in at one minute and 12 seconds.
Dumb is what it is not. Girth Control carefully executed a tremendous record mixed upbeat tunes and tongue in cheek lyrics in songs such as "Yuengs (who drank the"), and "5:2". One of the most fun bands in Northeast America today. Recommend for fans of: The Descendents, Reel Big Fish, Beer, Saturday Night Live.
Check out the album here :
This is Coffee Me!
Thursday, 26 April 2018
The Fallout - Raise Your Flag
No strangers to this blog and one of my favourite ever Canadian bands, The Fallout are a Toronto trio featuring Byron (guitar/vocals), Bob (drums/vocals) and Patty (bass/vocals). If Woody Guthrie had been a modern era Canadian he'd have probably been a member of this band. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and seem to find the process of writing political songs that have both a great tune and a valid message a bit of a breeze. You can check out their back catalogue here :
Their 2004 (long out of print) classic album, Turning Revolution Into Money, has been remixed and remastered and will be available on Bandcamp on Mayday as a pay what you want download. All donations will fund their upcoming 4 track 7".
A new 7"? I'm glad you asked. The ep will be released by the excellent Rebel Time Records and will be titled Raise Your Flag. No doubt it'll be one of 2018's best so watch out for it.
They've just released a video for the title track. As a schoolkid, I began buying punk records over 40 years ago and one of the many singles in my collection was the Rising Free ep by the Tom Robinson Band. On that ep was a song called Glad To Be Gay. To be honest, the prejudices and abuse suffered by gay people was something my 13 year old self had never really been aware of up until then and I would think that was the first time I'd heard someone proclaiming they were glad to be gay, I imagine many of my contemporaries were hearing this for the first time too. I wasn't gay but for those that were it must have been a defining moment. The video you'll find below features footage of 1973's Toronto Pride Parade and riffs on the themes presented by that TRB classic. The Fallout, catchy as hell tunes with a message? Hell yeah!
This is Raise Your Flag.....
Raise your flag, Raise it high Let them look you in the eye Side by side Show your pride Wave your flag, wave your flag Raise your flag, Raise it high And when they look you in the eye Wave your flag, wave your flag, wave your flag Double standards of the hypocrites They condescend as you bite your lip You’re in my heart You’re on my mind You don’t have to take that shit On the horizon is a new frontier If you feel alone or you’re getting scared With all your spirit And all your soul You know there is nothing to fear Sing if you’re glad to be gay Homophobes are just a dying breed As they cling to an illegitimate creed You’re in my heart You’re on my mind They offer nothing that you can believe All their hate they never take a rest Stunning ignorance takes away your breath With all your spirit And all your soul Resolve that you’ll never forget To sing if you’re happy that way.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
The Fuck Ups - Lies
It's been a couple of years since 80's influenced punk rockers The Fuck Ups last featured on here ( but they're back today with the title track from their new ep. From Irvine & Glasgow they now appear to have a settled line up of Baz (vocals/guitar), Bunnit (bass/vocals), Sparky (drums/vocals) and Steven (guitar).
What can you expect from the ep? Certainly not bells and whistles, just 100% old school punk rock with a social conscience. The band tell it how it is, whether it's about the lies we're told to keep us in line, council schemes leading to drug dealers targetting junkies whilst gangs of bored kids roam the streets and the state of society today (it's the poor that always suffer as the banks take advantage whilst the government do nothing to alleviate that suffering). It's not all hard hitting, pedal to the floor fury though, there's also the slowed down reggae of Nation To Nation, a topical song about madmen unleashing armageddon (are we living in the end of days?). When nation fights against nation, the outcome is extermination.
All in all a cracking ep and you can pick it up for a fiver from one of their gigs or from Facebook :
This is Lies....
Tuesday, 24 April 2018
Faz Waltz - Julie
I was playing a song from Faz Waltz's new album Double Decker on this week's Just Some Punk Songs show ( when from the chatroom Wayne Elliott asked, "Have you had them on the blog yet?" The day before, I'd noticed they'd released a video for their new single but as it seemed to be continually popping up on my Facebook feed I assumed you'd all probably have stumbled upon it. But what the hell, it's a bloody good song from a bloody good album so let's get it posted....
Just in case you've missed out thus far, Faz Waltz are one of a number of cool bands who are introducing a modern day audience to the sounds of the 70's. Think glam, think glitter, think rock n roll. Think hooligan rock. Think Slade/Sweet/Cheap Trick/T Rex etc.
They're from Cantu, Italy and line up with Faz La Rocca (vocals, guitar, piano), Diego Angelini (bass) and Marco Galimberti (drums). They've been strutting their stuff since 2007 and Double Decker is their 6th album (S/T 2010, Life On The Moon 2011, Back On Mondo 2013, Move Over 2014, Callin' Loud 2016). It's available from Contra Records, Spaghetty Town and Gods Candy or you can pull on your Boogaloo Boots and Jive Jive over to Bandcamp :
They were recently over in the UK and will be back again in July, you can get details of that and other gigs here :
This is Julie....
Monday, 23 April 2018
Lame Shot! - Kings Of The Olympics
Lame Shot! are a French pop punk band from Toulouse who formed in 2012 and feature Julien Granel (drums), Mathieu Zuzek (vocals/guitar), Manu Panier (bass/keyboards/backing vocals) and Romain Boule (guitar/ backing vocals). Panier and Boule are also members of Charly Fiasco.
They released their debut album, Nice Try!, way back in 2012 (name your price : but they've now got round to the follow up. It's titled Try Again and you can get it from Monster Zero (Guerilla Asso, France & Lost Dog Records, Italy).
Billed as being for fans of the likes of Nerf Herder, Masked Intruder, The Copyrights etc, I always approach this kind of pop punk with a certain amount of trepidation as it's a genre that's very easy to do badly. No problems on that score with Lame Shot! though, they're catchy & fun without being too sickly sweet. Give them a go.
This is Kings Of The Olympics....
Sunday, 22 April 2018
Ruler - Gimme Some Noise
Ruler are a garage punk band from Tokyo who feature Fink, the guitarist of legendary bands Teengenerate and The Raydios. The band also boasts guitarist Azumi Omori (The Raydios/The Young Ones), drummer Rayco (Triple Junk) and vocalist Yutaka "Otoya" Yamamoto (Intimate Fags).
Earlier this year they released their debut single on Secret Mission Records and like the Boys Order song I posted a couple of weeks ago from the same label it's hellishly impressive. If you haven't yet checked it out then do so immediately....
The single features 2 tracks, Tiger on one side and the song that you'll find below on the flip. Both well worth your time but this one is my favourite. I played it on last week's Just Some Punk Songs show and the chatroom folk were well and truly wowed. Primitive, timeless and a rallying call for those of us who like our music to be loud and exciting, this is Gimme Some Noise. It should go without saying but play loud!
Saturday, 21 April 2018
Neon Bone - Waiting
It's been nearly 4 years since German pop punks Neon Bone featured on this blog ( but they're still around and still releasing some of the catchiest tunes going. Starting up in 2010 in Munster as a one man band and taking their name from a M.O.T.O. song they've expanded their line up and honed their Queers/Parasites/Ramones style of punk rock over the years :
Now they're back with a new album, their 3rd. It's titled That Dog Won't Hunt and it's out on Monster Zero Records in association with Mom's Basement Records. If you're a fan of 50's & 60's inspired Bubblegum Punk then this is for you. All the songs are sub 3 minute ear worms that'll get you tapping your foot and singing along, there's even a cool version of Skeeter Davis' 1962 classic The End Of The World. They're the kind of band that would go down a storm if they were the new resident band at Arnold's Drive-In on Happy Days. The sun's out, Spring is in the air and this would be a perfect soundtrack to your day...
This is the video for the album's lead track, it's called Waiting....
Friday, 20 April 2018
Nosebleed - Scratching Circles (Review By Stefan Ball)
A guest review today from Stefan Ball who is vocalist with Reading band Who Killed Nancy Johnson?
Stefan has kindly reviewed Scratching Circles On The Dancefloor, the debut album from Leeds garage punks Nosebleed. I'll leave you in his capable hands.....
Scratching Circles on the Dancefloor by Nosebleed
TNS Records - released 6th April 2018
£7 digital on Bandcamp, £12 vinyl and £8 CD from
One of the positive things about the rise of streaming and downloads and the rebirth of vinyl is that 70 minute CD borefests are a thing of the past. Recordings can be just as long as they need to be.
Scratching Circles on the Dancefloor, the first extended release from Leeds trio Nosebleed, is a good example. It's 25 minutes and 13 tracks long. You wouldn't want it any longer - or I wouldn't, not without a sit down in the middle - because it's impossible to stand still while it's playing. The whole thing crackles with energy.
All the songs are fast. But they're proper songs, never hurried. There's time for solos, Lux Interior-style vocal quirks and the odd build-up and change of pace. Even the opener "I'm Okay" - just 54 seconds - packs in an intro, two verses, a couple of hooky choruses and a punchy end. It develops and gets somewhere, then stops. Perfect.
I honestly can't find a weak link on this album. My favourite at the moment is maybe "Start Again", which opens with a guitar riff that could be from early Gang of Four and has the kind of chorus you'd be yelling along with live.
Talking of live, I haven't seen them (yet) but David Hennessy from The Delinquents saw them a couple of days ago in Scotland and posted on his Facebook page: "seen and played with a lot of fantastic bands in the punk scene but Nosebleed were absolutely premier league calibre tonight."
You'll have a chance to decide for yourself if you're in the UK as the band are on tour from now and into the summer - and slipping across into mainland Europe for a couple of dates as well.
I'd expect that on stage you'd get pretty much what you get on this recording, because it has that live sound. Credit to the engineer if he's managed to get this much punch and raw energy from a more clinical recording techcnique - I suspect though they did it the old-fashioned way, and good on them for that.
On their Bandcamp page the band say they copied "as much as we could get away with" in their songs - a nice bit of self-deprecation. But it's kind of inevitable with rock and roll, of course - punk rock and rollers are still playing around with the same three chords the Bill Haley was using. So yes, I can hear a lot of The Rezillos in this record - and nods to The Cramps and The Saints and The Hives and a bunch of psychobilly and garage punk bands - but they all borrowed from the people before them, and they all borrowed as well, all the way back to the blues.
The truth is all the raw guitar music we know and love - whether it's the Medway bands or the current stuff coming out of Australia or Howlin' Wolf - is part of a tradition and has a heritage. This record sees Nosebleed picking up the torch in fine swaggering style. Great stuff.
This is Scratching Circles....
Thursday, 19 April 2018
Otoboke Beaver - Anata Watashi Daita Ato Yome No Meshi
Another band that wowed the chatroom crowd during the latest Just Some Punk Songs show ( were Japanese girl band Otoboke Beaver. They're from Kyoto, play kick ass garage punk and feature a line up of Accorinrin (guitar/vocals), Yoyoyoshie (guitar/backing vocals), Hiro-chan (bass/backing vocals) and Pop (drums/backing vocals). They formed in 2009 whilst at Koyoto University's music club and they take their name from a local "love hotel."
A couple of months ago they released a 7" single (apologies for totally mispronouncing the title on the show) and you can find it, along with plenty more of their releases, on Bandcamp :
They're currently gigging over in the UK (the final gig is in London tonight) before they head across the Atlantic to play the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Check out details here :
It's 2018 and people have been saying punk is dead for the best part of 40 years. Proving those people totally wrong, this is Anata Watashi Daita Ato Yome No Meshi....
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
HÄXXAN - Between the River and the Sea
HÄXXAN are a 3 piece from Tel Aviv featuring Rodion (guitar/vocals), Amit-X (bass/vocals) and Yuri (drums/vocals). Next month they'll be releasing their 2nd album (following their 2014 self titled debut) on Slovenly Recordings. It'll be titled The Magnificent Planet Of Alien Vampiro 11 and it'll be available on vinyl (100 of which will be on blue vinyl, the remainder black), cd and digital. Pre orders and a bloody wonderful track called Jeff Cassanova (which went down a storm on yesterday's Just Some Punk Songs show though the next time I play them I'll have to remember to pronounce their name correctly, it's Chasan.) here :
They'll be taking their fuzzed out brand of psychedelic garage punk out on the road throughout the summer with dates throughout Europe (including gigs with The Black Lips and Thee Oh Seas. For details check Facebook....
They recently released a video for another of the album's tracks. Updating the 60's garage sound for the current generation, this is Between The River And The Sea....
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Unease - Society's Possessed (Review By Darren Bourne)
As I didn't manage to get a guest review for you last Friday, you're getting a bonus one today courtesy of Darren Bourne of Tadpole Records ( Darren's a big supporter of his local music scene and today he introduces us to Unease....
So it's 2018 and Brighton has some new, fresh blood. These guys are a right powerhouse of a band, not that the members are new to the scene. I give you Unease, a great Raw Hardcore band that may interest fans of Sunshine Ward, Bastard, Impalers or Cønditiøn.
Unease are Dean (vocals), Lloyd (bass), Steve (guitar) and Ant (drums)
They've just released a Demo which has been getting some great reviews, watch it on Youtube or download it (name your price) from the band's Bandcamp . Maybe bookmark their page as it looks like the band will be back recording new tunes pretty soon.
They're planning a tour in July 2018, so get in touch via their Bandcamp if you want to help out, but for now check out their debut gig here. I personally love watching Ant play drums, because he doesn't just hit the drums, he aims for the floor like his life depends on it everytime & is one hell of a drummer, making this one tight unit & a band to watch out for.
Unease : Brighton 05/04/2018 @ Sticky Mike's Frog Bar
Usually you just get a song to wrap things up but today you're getting the full ep. This is Society's Possessed.....
Monday, 16 April 2018
The Mekons 77 - Still Waiting
The Mekons 77, featuring the original line up of Leeds legends The Mekons; Ros Allen (bass), Andy Corrigan (vocals), Tom Greenhalgh (lead guitar) Jon Langford (drums), Kevin Lycett (rhythm guitar) and Mark White (vocals), celebrated their 40th anniversary by getting back in the studio and recording a brand new album. The addition of 77 to the name is to avoid confusion with the current and ongoing Mekons line up. It's a heady time for fans with 2 different incarnations of the band to enjoy.
The Mekons....
The Mekons 77...
Anyway, Mekons 77, original line up, new album. It's called It Is Twice Blessed, it's 12 tracks, it's available on vinyl here :
It's always good when one of the golden era punk bands wants to put out exciting new material rather than trade on past glories. One listen to the catchy as hell song below will demonstrate how they're still as vital and inventive as ever. 40 years on from Where Were you and they're still here, still great, still waiting for the start of world peace, for an end to world hunger and for the girl with the yellow hair.
Still Waiting....
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Debbie Downers - Louis and David
As you may know, as well as this blog, there's also a weekly Just Some Punk Songs show. Searching out new music for both it's impossible not to notice how many great new bands there are springing up in Australia. Some you've probably already grown to love (Amyl And The Sniffers, The Chats, Bikini Cops, Brad Pot, Cold Meat etc) but plenty more that you should check out. One of those bands features today.
Debbie Downers are from Perth, have been around for a year or two and feature a line up of Lisa Lou (vocals), Cleh Greggy (guitar), Scrambled Megs (bass/vocals) and Ashley Ack (drums). Earning comparisons with the likes of Kleenex/Liliput & The Petticoats they recently released their debut ep. Titled Eat My Skorts, it's 6 tracks of fun diy post punk that's available on both cassette and digitally from excellent Perth label Helta Skelta (I recommend you check out their other releases).
The song I'm playing on Tuesday's show ( details : ) and highlighting today is their love letter to messrs Theroux and Attenborough, those documentary makers par excellence. This is Louis And David.....
Saturday, 14 April 2018
The Infested - Believe
Wow! I can't believe that it's 10 years ago that Myths, Lies And Hypocrites by The Infested was my favourite album of the year. From Leeds, the band were the UK's equivalent of Choking Victim/Leftover Crack; fast, angry crack rock steady tunes mixing ska punk and hardcore and singing about stuff like assisted suicide, cops, drugs, religion, the UK being just as much to blame for the shitty state of the world as the US etc. All topics that are just as relevant today. This is a band that holds a mirror up to the world to reveal a grim reflection. If you missed Myths, Lies and Hypocrites you should check it out :
2011 saw them release a split ep with Evesham band Officer Down and in 2013 they released another very decent album, Eaten From The Inside. So 5 years later, just as world tensions escalate, they're back with a new album. It's titled Raw Ensemble and it'll be out on 21st May (vinyl, cd, digital) on EHC Records. You can preorder or get more details here :
No Time Records will be stocking it in the US and Canada :
They've (I'll say they though it's pretty much a solo project nowadays with frontman G playing all the instruments whilst co founder Lee returns to add additional vocals) given us a taster (they haven't lost any of that anger or relevance) in the form of the album's first song. The mirror's reflection is grimmer than ever. There's no shortage of things for them to be pissed about which I'm confident will mean the album will be a classic.
This is Believe.....
Terrorist threats and attacks in the West
Mass distraction, your satisfaction
Innocent children targeted in your quest
Devastation, no hesitation
Extremist views, you see so black and white
Why do we need to drag them in to the fight?
You hate our values and commodities
No justification, why can't you see?
Shut your books now, put your guns down
Al Qaeda, the IRA, AOG and the KKK
revolt, Islamic State
Purveyors of hate
We are despised because we do not believe
Warped and twisted, sick elitists
Disgusted by us and our equalities
Lives are wasted, obliterated
Detract from reality as streets fill with hate
The ignorant are utilised as bait
Sweeping statements, blame entire cultures
It's easier to hate them than unite with each other
Beheaded reporters in the East
A propaganda media feast
Militants that kill for God
Artists murdered at their drawing boards
Riots and hatred in the West
Divide communities yet again
Mosques attacked and called for blame
Innocent citizens forced to feel the shame again
Friday, 13 April 2018
Sinful Maggie - Rebel Without A Cause
Sinful Maggie are based in Poole, Dorset and formed in 2014. Their line up features Charlie Draper (guitar/vocals), Russ Draper (bass/vocals), Briony Ireland (accordion) and Ollie Beaton (drums). Don't label them as a folk, gypsy or celtic punk band, they're straight up punk rock n rollers who just happen to incorporate an accordion into their sound. Their influences include the likes of NOFX, Rancid, SLF, Distillers, The Clash, Dropkick Murphys and Dead Kennedys.
You can get more details (including tour dates) on Facebook (feel free to give them a like)....
Last month saw them release their debut, Self Titled, album and you can check out a few tracks here :
There's so many great young UK punk bands around at the moment and Sinful Maggie are certainly one of them. From the album, this is a song that I'm sure gets their fans bouncing, it's called Rebel Without A Cause....
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Basic Bitches - How Come None Of You Ever Want To Hang Anymore?
Basic Bitches are over in the UK later this month so it seems like a good time to post their new video and give a plug to those dates :
- Apr 15Newport, UK
- Apr 16Edinburgh, UK
- Apr 18Leeds, UK
- Apr 19Plymouth, UK
- Apr 20Brighton, UK
- Apr 21London, UK
- Apr 22Sheffield, UK
They formed in New York in 2014 and feature a line up of Naomi Scott (guitar/vocals), Lysa Opter (bass) and Nick D'Amore (drums). They've previously released the City Slackers album, the My Body, My Choice single and there was a track from the album (the snappily titled Mass Shootings And Donald Trump) on the Band Cramps Volume 1 comp. You can find them, along with the new song that I'm posting today, on Bandcamp :
You can get more info here :
The perils of growing up and watching all your mates drift away as they get involved in relationships, this is called How Come None Of You Ever Want To Hang Anymore?
Boys with girlfriends,
Girls with boyfriends,
Boys with boyfriends,
Girls with girlfriends,
How come none of you ever want to hang anymore?
I don't wanna interrupt your domestic bliss
But do you ever think about all the things you miss
By hanging out with just one person every night with no dispersal
I don't want to break you up but I just want to have some fun
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Special Interest - Young, Gifted, Black, In Leather
Today's update is one of those where the song is great but my knowledge of the band is pretty much zilch so you get an opening paragraph like this to pad things out. Luckily my writing isn't the part of the update you all flock to see.
Special Interest are a funky, no wave punk band from New Orleans who count amongst their line up Nathan Cassiani who you may know from bands such as Mystic Inane and Patsy. They released a name your price demo in June 2016 titled P.r.E.P. LOVE UNITY RESPECT. Earlier this year they were back with debut album, Spiralling. 8 tracks of future glam / synth punk / industrial disco / (add your own tag here). You can find the album (along with dates for their upcoming East Coast/Midwest tour) here :
They've released a video for the song Disco 11 which is well worth checking out but the track I'm highlighting today is the one that opens the album. This is Young, Gifted, Black, In Leather. Play loud and groove on down....
Tuesday, 10 April 2018
Maggie Thatcher's Rotting Corpse - Maggie Thatcher's Rotting Corpse
"Thatcher may have been cremated, but the decaying flesh of her ideology continues to wreak havoc on our communities like a big fascist zombie. We mix metaphores and contradict ourselves freely, so committed are we to the accurate satirising of Tory policy that all is fair game in the persuit of our political agenda"
Thus goes the manifesto of mask wearing rabble rousers Maggie Thatcher's Rotting Corpse.
They're from Leeds, they're influenced by Aneurin Bevan, Billy Bragg, The Exploited, Chumbawamba etc and they're no doubt going to cop a certain amount of flack from the po-faced (they've already received threats of legal action and physical violence) . The rest of us can enjoy some catchy singalongs and Tory baiting pisstakes. In the words of Kenny Everett character Cupid Stunt, it's all done in the best possible taste.....
Don't think their questionable taste stops at their band name and songs though, just check out their line up.... Freddy Rose Thatcher (vocals), Gideon "Glitter" Gadd (lead guitar), Iain Duncan Watkins (rhythm guitar), Fritz L. Hunt (bass) and Boris Brady (drums). They recently released a Self Titled ep and you can find it on Bunnysnot Records' Bandcamp page....
You can get more info (or if you're a miserable sod, send writs & threats!) here :
"Once upon a time in Albion, there was a witch who cast a spell of poverty and greed...."
This is their theme tune, Maggie Thatcher's Rotting Corpse....
Monday, 9 April 2018
Boys Order - ”blue blue red..."
Here's a catchy little number that I played on yesterday's Just Some Punk Songs show ( It's by powerpoppunkparty band Boys Order. They're a 3 piece from Osaka in Japan and line up with Chihiro Isadora (vocals/bass), Captain LFO (guitar/vocal) and Electric (drums/chorus). They include amongst a lengthy list of influences the likes of The Dictators, Blondie, The Rezillos, The Go Gos, Billy Childish, The Rolling Stones, X Ray Spex etc.
They came to my notice in 2014 with single Tomorrow Dancing and returned last year with infectious debut album Do The Wild Cat. Both are available on Secret Mission Records (a label that's building up a killer back catalogue including releases by the likes of Kidnappers, M.O.T.O., Radioactivity, The Raydios, The Fadeaways, The Geros etc). The album is a blast of upbeat fun that'll appeal to anyone with a pulse so check it out.....
To learn more about them they're on Facebook here :
As there's a video for this song it's the one I'm highlighting today. Best listened to whilst dancing with a big grin on your face, this is Blue Blue Red....
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Hysterese - Fortune
From Tubingen, Germany, Hysterese have recently released their third self titled album. Lining up with Helen Runge (vocals/guitar), Thomas Haug (vocals/bass), Moritz Kehle (guitar) and Kai Hirt (drums), they remind me a little of Red Dons (or as been mentioned elsewhere, any number of bands from Portland Oregon). The album is out now on This Charming Man Records and you can find it here :
Certainly not venturing into the realms of goth but their music has a dark atmosphere to it though don't expect slow, plodding gloom merchants. Despite being atmospheric they also manage to remain catchy and upbeat. An oxymoron? Possibly. Just have a listen and hopefully you'll see what I'm clumsily trying to convey. The opening track from the album, this is Fortune....
I will not rest
discover the truth
put to test
need to improve
progress report
something to proceed
back and forth between walls
I go tilt at windmills
hold on to
brand new old
need to improve
nothing to say
obligation to tell
back and forth between bounds
I go run in circles
run run run
provided furtune
apodictic certainty
better burn don't fade
give it another try
Saturday, 7 April 2018
Hank Wood And The Hammerheads - How'm I Supposed To Wake Up In The Morning
(photo by Angela Owens)
Here's one you might already have heard but as it's from one of best releases of the year so far it's definately in need of posting here. Hank Wood And The Hammerheads are the New York punk band that burst onto the scene with 2011's S/T ep (Shoulda Listen (To Mommah), Fever Breaks & I'm Hungry proving to be one hell of a calling card). Albums Go Home! (2012) and Stay Home!! (2014) secured their place in the hearts of budget rock fans everywhere.
The new album is the recent Self Titled release that's available from Toxic State Records ( ) and on Bandcamp :
If you love your punk music without the rough edges smoothed out, if you want passion, aggression AND tunes then look no further. I feel so sorry for those punk fans that are stuck in the past and miss out on modern day classics like this.
Expect to see this song gracing the Just Some Punk Songs' Best of 2018 chart, How'm I Supposed To Wake Up In The Morning.....
Friday, 6 April 2018
The Daytona Machines - Cleveland Street (Review By Mike Patton)
A big thanks to Vista Blue's Mike Patton for this week's guest review. Pretty much all Vista Blues extensive back catalogue (including new album End Of The Season) is available to download name your price so fill your boots....
Mike's chosen a song by Nashville band The Daytona Machines and he's written a few paragraphs to go with it so thanks for that and over to Mike....
The Daytona Machines are a newer band from Nashville, and while they're definitely not straight "punk," they certainly fit in the scene and have clearly been inspired by punk along the way.
Personally, I love their strong '90s influences, from pop punk to radio alternative. They can go from Pixies to Nirvana to Green Day within one song. And it all rocks.
The three-piece is led by Eric Scott on guitar and most lead vocals. Iris Lish plays a great bass, sings harmonies, and takes lead vocals sometimes. And Jalen Reed is a ball of energy behind the drums. I definitely recommend seeing this band live to get the full experience.
For today's feature, I'm highlighting
their track "Cleveland Street." While all of their songs are catchy, "Cleveland Street" was immediately stuck in my head for a couple of days after I first heard it. I've played it on my radio show here in Nashville, and I think it's a great representation of what the band brings to the table.
When I recently asked Eric about the song, he said, "I came up with Cleveland Street when I was driving around East Nashville delivering sandwiches. I kept getting orders from houses on Cleveland Street, and during rush hour, traffic is murder over there."
After writing a verse in his head and bringing it to Iris and Jalen, the band worked out the rest of the song.
"I originally intended it to have more of a Velvet Underground 'I'm waiting for the man' feel," Eric said. "But it kind of morphed into a fast paced punk grunge thing."
The band just released its debut six-track EP digitally this week on Bandcamp and will be announcing a physical release date soon.
This is Cleveland Street.....
Thursday, 5 April 2018
Jonesy - Hate Me
Jonesy are a self confessed sleazy rock n roll 4 piece from Montreal who's line up features Vinny Ramone, The Maniac, Nick Chase and David David. Between them they've previously played in Clean Cuts, The Fanatiques, Rusted, Cheap Thrills, Red District and Dagger Eyes.
Influenced by the likes of The Stooges, Dictators, Chuck Berry, Ramones, New York Dolls etc, they're a throwback to an era when rock n roll bands were cool, edgy and had an unending supply of great tunes. Sex & drugs & rock & roll sang Ian Dury. Well I've no idea about the drugs but there was plenty of the other 2 present in their debut 7" which came out in 2016 on No Front Teeth Records and is available on Bandcamp :
They recently released their debut S/T album. Chock full of swagger, solos and no small amount of humour it's available on vinyl from Dead Beat Records
You can get more info on the band on Facebook and Instagram :
Thanks to them for letting me put this song online, it's a great example of their sound and makes me want to catch them live if they ever head over this way. If you like old school rock n roll you'll love this, it's called Hate Me....
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Pleasure - The British Empire's Homophobic Legacy
Pleasure are an anarcho punk band from Singapore who take their inspiration from the early UK punk scene. Their line up is Hafiz (guitar/vocals), Zafran (bass) and Andres (drums).
They recently released their demo 2018 ep, it features 5 songs about the harsh reality of oppression and power and you can grab it as a free download here :
If you like dark, hard hitting post punk then you'll love Pleasure. The track you'll find below highlights the shameful criminalisation of same sex relationships and the views of the British crown that any form of intimacy not geared towards having and raising children was unacceptable. A highlight from yesterday's Just Some Punk Songs show (, this is The British Empire's Homophobic Legacy....
Tuesday, 3 April 2018
Tango Mango - Flurry
"This one is fucking awesome!" according to someone called Kosty who commented on Youtube when I uploaded the song you're getting today. To be fair, they have a point.
Tango Mango are a duo from Tolland, Connecticut. Tommy Loura is on guitar and vocals whilst Kyle Schmitz is on drums and vocals. You can find them on Facebook :
I know pretty much nothing about them except that they have a new album (their debut?) out soon called It Takes Two To Tango Mango. If you check out Bandcamp there's a couple of songs from it available as a free download :
Proving that not all punks in 2018 are grizzled old veterans (though many of us certainly are!), this fresh faced pair produce a pleasingly modern sounding brand of noise rock. From the taste they've offered up, the album should be a sure fire winner. This is the fast paced opening track, it's titled Flurry.....
Monday, 2 April 2018
Vista Blue - Run, Run, Run
Fresh from releasing songs about curling and basketball, Nashville power pop legends Vista Blue are back with a new baseball themed album. You aren't a baseball fan? Fear not, I know pretty much nothing about the sport either so unsurprisingly much of the story of the final day of the season game between the Hawks and the Lions goes straight over my head. But it doesn't matter one jot as the songs are so catchy that Vista Blue could release a concept album about sanitation in Ghana and it'd still be a wonderfully upbeat treat.
There's going to be a cassette release via Byaaaaaah! Records or you can snap it up name your price here :
I could have picked any of the album's 9 tracks to showcase as they're all great. The one I went with takes it's inspiration from 60's surf legends Jan And Dean, it's slap bang in the middle of the album's narrative and this is the part of the storyline it deals with..... While the Lions were retired in three straight at bats in the top of the 5th, the Hawks threatened again, taking advantage of poor throws from Weston "The Rifle" Smith behind the plate. Flowers started a two-out rally with a single (his third hit of the day) and stole second and third, before catcher Frankie LaRue walked and stole second himself. Giles avoided trouble by striking out "Mack" McCartney, who was hitless on the day.
This is Run, Run, Run....
Sunday, 1 April 2018
Dissonant - Corrupt
Today you're getting the first song released by a band that I stumbled upon yesterday and thought, "yep, that sounds like a promising introduction." The band in question are called Dissonant, they're a 3 piece from Barnstaple in North Devon, they formed last year and they're "edgy teens angry about the government and that..." The line up is Will Rogers (bass/shouting), Alex Terry (guitar/shouting) and Ollie Chavasse (hitting things) and their influences include Anti Flag, Minor Threat, Black Flag, SNFU, Wonk Unit, NOFX and Pears.
For more info, head over to Facebook and give them a like :
Their first release is a single which you can download a free track from here :
Angry, political punk that bodes well for the future. This is Corrupt.....
You don’t have to listen to what they have to say
They’re not gonna make your problems go away
They’ll take take take from you until your wallet’s dry
They’ll keep on doing that until you fucking die
All your leaders are fucking corrupt
Their money’s off shore so it can’t get touched
It’s a rule for the rich and another for the poor
And I don’t wanna take it any more
The army of the streets, It’s nothing but brutality
Enforcing what the government thinks is best for society
The white man gets away with it but if the lad’s black the body cam breaks
How many more deaths until the world realises it’s mistakes
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