Friday, 14 February 2025

Alex Hellcat - The World On Fire


  An obvious starting point to a blog update about Alex Hellcat ( is that he's listened to more than his fair share of Rancid records. 

  He's from Regensburg, Germany and he's got that bass led punk rock sound down to a tee. 

  Below you'll find his latest song. It's about life in East Germany before reunification and the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. "It touches on oppression, rebellion, and the fight for freedom, expressing frustration, disillusionment, and perhaps lingering resentment about the past and the way history played out."

  It's called The World On Fire...

Ever since this country was divided,
the Eastside skies are always grey.
The wall came down; we're reunited,
side by side but still not the same, no.
It was tough growing up in East Germany.
Run-down houses and few opportunities.
Anything but living the dream,
and we were watched by the state security.

We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
The system in flames was our desire.

Citizens attempting to defect to the golden west,
risked imprisonment and even death - what's left at best?
Dictatorship and state police on your back.
The system kept us numb with booze and cigarettes.
Now welcome to insanity.
And we were told the West is our enemy.
Now tell me, why the fuck is this supposed to be?
Huh, yeah well, whatever.

We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
The system in flames was our desire.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Scowl - B.A.B.E.


  Scowl ( are a hardcore punk band from Santa Cruz, California who've featured plenty of times on the Just Some Punk Songs show but who don't seem to have featured on the blog. One of the main reasons for bands missing out on the blog is that when they release new music it's so popular that everyone jumps on it and features them so I give it a miss and look for something a little more obscure. I think Scowl really need to be shouted about though as they're a little bit special. 

  They're a quintet featuring Kat Moss (vocals), Malachi Greene (guitar), Mikey Bifolco (guitar), Cole Gilbert (drums) & Bailey Lupo (bass). They've been around since 2019 and have been very much in the ascendancy since. They're getting ready to release a new album, a follow up to their 2021 debut How Flowers Grow ( 

  It's titled Are We All Angels and it's due out on April 4th on vinyl, cd and digital download :

  They'll be promoting it with a UK / European tour : 

  This is the 3rd single from it, it highlights Kat's impressive vocal range and it's called B.A.B.E. 

Everyone else just play along Everyone else just signing on a dotted line But you don’t even want to hear it You don’t really want to see No shaking hands, I’m shutting down I’m shutting down entirely Burned at both ends, yeah it just won’t let up I want to catch my breath Everyone here could you please just shut up? I gotta catch my breath Why does the good stuff never last? Everything sacred finds its way to filthy hands Make no mistake, I ain’t lacking in ambition I’m digging my heels I’m not taking your sour pills Burned at both ends, yeah it just won’t let up I want to catch my breath Everyone here could you please just shut up? I gotta catch my breath Don’t know any other way, comfort in the suffering Don’t know any other way, comfort in the suffering Got no feeling, seek the thrill, I’m only in this for the kill Got no feeling, just thrill seeking, in this for the- Take and you take and you just won’t let up But you’ve gotta catch your breath Everyone here could you please just shut up? But I’ll never catch my breath…

Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Prostitutes - Hung By The Phone (Remastered)


  Punk legend Kevin McGovern has featured on this blog numerous times with his band The Prostitutes ( and various other projects such as The Trouble Seekers, The Inversions & 12 Guage Pinup. He even did a few reviews back in the day and shared his Top 10 songs when I could be arsed asking people to do that

  He's back today as I want to share a song from a new compilation album by The Prostitutes. It's titled Broken Ballads & Savage Beats and it features 16 tracks of "Unreleased, Compilation Tracks, Demos, Alternate Versions, Singles spanning 1991-2019." It's released by Sahlugg Records and it's available on limited edition vinyl (red or black) and as a digital download :

  It's a great comp packed with classic Kill By Death style punk tunes. It's timeless stuff by a band that never disappoints. I'll play a different song on this week's Just Some Punk Songs show but on here I'll highlight the remastered version of a song that was originally released as a single in 2002 by The Inversions. They were a short lived trio formed after the Prostitutes split up (for the first time) and saw Kevin joined by Doug and Dave McKean. It's called Hung By The Phone... 

Friday, 31 January 2025

Ricky Rochelle - Imagine Being Eric (Guest Review By Ralph J Rivera)


Man after all the non-stop craziness of this past week this is just what I needed. One of the best songwriters in the "Pop Punk Bubble" Ricky Rochelle is dropping what will be the first in a series of new digital singles this Friday. They are gonna be available on his newly formed "Rochelle Records" but for now you can get all his previous releases at this site -

So single number one is called "Imagine Being Eric" and I was kinda hoping it would be about Eric Trump but no it's about a lovable loner who lives with his cats. This sees another progression in Ricky's ever evolving sound. It takes us back to the days when Wreckless Eric, Elvis Costello and XTC were dropping amazing 45's weekly. As a product of the 80's I grew up listening to this kind of music so I'm 100% on board with this direction.

It's a quirky combination of intertwined guitar & keyboard melody with Ricky's beautiful vocal tone. I'm sorry my friend but if it was 1980 you'd be a Pop Star, all over UK & European TV. But I thank you for making music that needs to be heard today. All you have to do is look at our new President to see where being angry all the time gets you. All alone at 4 in the morning banging out tweets.

Here's the brand new Ricky Rochelle single "Imagine Being Eric". LISTEN! ENJOY!

Monday, 27 January 2025

Pardon Us - Che in Gold Lamé


  As I mentioned yesterday on Facebook, on last night's Just Some Punk Songs show I played a track from the latest album by Liverpool trio Pardon Us ( and amidst the widespread chatroom praise popped up the comment "best fucking band in UK by fucking miles!"

  Are they? Well I'm certainly not laughing that particular commentator out of town. It's a big claim but it's one certainly worthy of consideration. 

  They've featured on here numerous times previously, their first time being 10 years ago :

  Since then they've raised their heads above the parapets at regular intervals to regale us with great, catchy protest songs that make our bodies move and our minds mull over social and political injustices. 

  The new album is titled Learning To Live with and it maintains their highest standards. It kicks into gear with a soundbite from the 1939 Laurel And Hardy movie The Flying Deuces : 

 Francois : Pardon me gentlemen, what seems to be the trouble?
 Stanley : Well, if you don't mind, we're going to jump in the river.
 Francois : But, why commit such a foolish action? Surely, your troubles can't be as bad as all that.   Stanley : Well, that's what I've been trying to tell him.

  This leads into an opening song about how it's easy in this bleak day and age to become an old cynic but it posits how surely things can only get better. 

  It's just the first of 14 pop punk nuggets of gold. The subject matter might often be depressing (divided nations, crap politicians on all sides, frothing racists and conspiracy nuts...) but the music shines. 

  It's available on vinyl and digital download and is already an album of the year contender :

  It's impossible to choose a favourite song to highlight (I've listened to the album several times and different tracks keep jumping out at me) so I'm going with one I've not seen other reviewers mention yet (just to show how strong overall the album is.) This is Che In Gold Lamé...

Can’t bear to vote for another red-tie Tory Well now my child Let me tell you a story Of comrade Phil, his vision so inspired When fascists rise He knew what was required A movement needs a figurehead to pick us off the ground A left wing Elvis wielding an AK A revolution needs a revolutionary sound Give the people Che in gold lamé Old Phil’s long gone But still we keep on writing these protest songs Dissolving in infighting So many years we’ve lost to fascist scheming But I hear that voice and I can’t help dreaming We can find a figurehead to pick us off the ground A left wing Elvis wielding an AK A revolution needs a revolutionary sound Will we ever have our Che in gold lamé?

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Serial Pest - Serial Pest


  Serial Pest are Mal Come (Vocals), Rob Myers (Guitar), Mishu Bari (Bass) & Dave Bate (Drums), a "four piece punk band harnessing the chaotic sonic assault of hardcore."  They're from Sydney and a year ago they released an ep titled Hot Breath

  It passed me by at the time but I did catch up in October when I played a single by them on the show. It was called Vulnerable ( and it was a teaser for their 2nd ep which they mentioned was scheduled for release early in 2025 (so it should be imminent?). 

  Today however I was browsing the Noise Merchant Bandcamp page and noticed they'd just released the debut ep on cassette so I thought I'd highlight it on here. It's 11 tracks of short, aggressive punk that's well worth wrapping your ears around. 

  As I type this there's only 4 cassettes left so if you want one jump on it :

  This track is eponymously titled Serial Pest... 

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Thee Mutilators - Thee Burning Planet


  Today I bring you a banging new track by "Jersey’s first & last egg punk band" Thee Mutilators. 

  They're a new band I know pretty much nothing about, from what I can gather they're a side project of a Jersey garage punk band called Dribbler ( and they're bringing us a helping of "fast n raw drum machine & synth tinged stream of consciousness that contemplates frustration, futility & our impending doom."

  They'll be releasing a 6 track ep at the end of the month titled I Have Seen The Horror Of The Future and although I've only as yet heard the one song by them I was impressed enough to shout out about it. The ep's available on a limited edition cassette (as I type this there's only 9 left) with funds from it going towards the Palestine Children's Relief Fund - It's also going to be available digitally :

  This is Thee Burning Planet...






Wednesday, 22 January 2025

The Riptides - End of the World


  Hailing from Ottawa, The Riptides ( have been around since 1998 (check out their music here and first featured on this blog 10 years ago ( 

  They return today with a new song that they wrote “as a satirical commentary during the dark days of the pandemic.” 

  It's a teaser track for their upcoming album Burn After Listening. The album will be available on March 7th on 12" Aqua Blue Vinyl or 12" Tide Pod Marble Vinyl. Check out the Pirates Press store for pre orders :

  Released on Inauguration Day in the USA, let's raise a toast to the end of it all. This is End Of The World...

Some said it would end in fire and some said ice We were warned but still ignored, and now we pay the price So let’s toast to the end of all we know what we held tight As long as there’s an open bar you know we’ll be alright We are the authors of our fall, ignored the writing on the wall Now it’s all over and we don’t even give a fuck at all The cannonballs still fly ‘cause they were never banned There’s no more seas to sail the doves are decaying in the sand We are the authors of our fall, ignored the writing on the wall Now it’s all over and we don’t even give a fuck at all It’s the end of the world, and I’m just glad it’s over It’s the end of the world, no way I’m staying sober Cause we went and messed it up and now we’re lost to history It’s the end of the world tonight, and that’s alright with me And now, we’ve had enough We’re calling your bluff Without you to contend, we’ll let it all just end And maybe we can start all over again… It’s the end of the world, and I’m just glad it’s over It’s the end of the world, no way I’m staying sober Cause we went and messed it up and now we’re lost to history It’s the end of the world tonight, and that’s alright with me.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

First Attack - On The Other Side


  "Skinhead life
  A way of life we know..."

  I've got another new band for you today, they're called First Attack, they hail from Vancouver and they feature vocalist & guitarist Greg Huff (Bishops Green). He's accompanied by Noah Heath (bass), Matt Vogler (drums) & Robert Foster (guitar). 

  They've just released a very good debut single which will go down a storm with all those among you who love a bit of melodic oi. It'll be available via Longshot Records & Mendeku Diskak and it's on Bandcamp :

  This track's called First Attack... 

Monday, 20 January 2025

Melter - Song For You


  Melter are a new band from Sheffield comprised of Ellis (Trust Fund), Sean (Consolation), Kev (The Winter Passing) and Haz. They've just released a debut ep. It's titled Holding Court and it's available via local label Delicious Clam Records. 

  It boasts a quartet of  jangly tunes that Mikey Young (who seems to mix and master pretty much every great new release nowadays!) compares with such luminaries as Royal Headache, Eddy Current Suppression Ring, UV Race & Pete Shelley. It's available on cassette and digital download :

  They'll be making their live debut sharing a stage with Adults and Grazia on Saturday 1st February at The Birds Nest in Depford.

  This highlight is short and simple but really effective. It's called Song For You... 

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Grassy Knoll - Who Killed Sharon


  Do a Google search for grassy knoll and you'll get a lot of search results pertaining to the "small green space marking the spot where John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in 1963."  Hopefully if today's band fulfil their undoubted potential they'll soon be also prominently featured in those search results.

  Grassy Knoll are a new punk band from Pittsburgh who've just released a cassette titled Hardcore '24 (10 punk songs. Yeah it's called Hardcore '24 even though it came out in '25, who cares?). They're a band that are reminding me of Night Birds ( both for their energetic hardcore infused music and their lyrical content. 

  You can check out the ep here :

  There's a couple of songs on the ep dealing with the JFK assassination but this one touches on another pivotal 60's event, the murder of Sharon Tate and her unborn son by members of the Manson Family cult. It's called Who Killed Sharon? 

There's a hippy murder cult living on death ranch The men don't surf at muscle beach, the girls are in a trance One night we sent a squad car out to see what they were up to What we saw was so disgusting that I fuckin threw up dude Who killed Sharon? Who? Who killed Sharon? Me and the hippy murder cult are living on death ranch Eating lots of acid, it puts us in a trance Society doesn't understand us, we're living on the fringe We're eating out of garbage cans but we're planning something big Who killed Sharon? Who? Who killed Sharon? Life is nice out in the canyon, Roman's shooting overseas Far away from the city's pain and the homeless in the streets Growing in my stomach now, a son or a daughter The sun reflects of the pools cool crystal water Who killed Sharon? Who? Who killed Sharon?

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Lambrini Girls - Cuntology 101


  I wasn't going to bother posting anything from the new Lambrini Girls ( album as I'm sure it's going to be popping up everywhere (it certainly deserves to). But it's so good I couldn't at least not give it a mention. 

  It's called Who Let The Dogs Out and it elevates the Brighton outfit to a higher level. It's a no fucks given treat. It's available on vinyl, cd and digital download and if you've any interest at all in confrontational punk noise you need to put all your 40+ year old punk favourites to one side for a while and play this fucker loud

  Punk rock in 2025 doesn't get much better than this. Amyl And The Sniffers are your "new favourite band"? Trust me, Lambrini Girls are better. 

  As they've just released a new video I'll pick this song to highlight. Punk as fuck and you can even dance to it if your old crumbling punk bones will allow it! It's called Cuntology 101...  

Friday, 10 January 2025

Clean Lines - Nuisance


  So what happens when you see a promotional blurb that says... "11 minutes of Buzzcocks meets The Nerves with a little splash of The Sweet!  Seattle's Clean Lines are a bit of 70's punk, power pop and rock and roll.  Clean'n'catchy power pop lines with sugar-sweet harmonies and sweetheart pop appeal."

  You get a little excited and decide to check things out. Especially when you hear that Steve E. Nix (The Briefs/Cute Lepers) is involved.

  Clean Lines are from Seattle, they formed in 2018. The members of the band have graced acts such as The Briefs, Circle Jerks, Geraldine Fibbers and Boss Martians and they've shared a stage with the likes of Mean Jeans, Tommy & The Commies, Me First And The Gimme Gimmes and The Kids. That line up is Tyler Brey (lead vocals), Josh Dale (guitar/vocals), Steve E. Nix (guitar/vocals), Ricky Gonzalez (bass) & Nick Schultz (drums). 

  Their new ep has just been released by Spaghetty Town, Wanda Records (Germany) and Ghost Highway Records. It's available on 7" vinyl and should be streaming today so keep an eye on those Bandcamp pages.

  This is the title track. It's called Nuisance...  

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

NYEDAWHO - Soon Is The Rise


  Some of you will remember Nan Hools. A regular listener to the Just Some Punk Songs show, the vocalist with The Hooligan Crooners ( and a lovely guy. Sadly he lost his battle with cancer last year.

  He was working at the time with his friend Cat Moyse on a new musical venture, NYEDAWEHO. They recorded a few songs with Cat promising Nan she'd release them. Unfortunately she's having difficulties crediting authorship;  "I have to prove and justify 1000 views on youtube to administratively credit Nan as the author."

  Hopefully today's update helps get a few more views.

  It's the first track from them and showcases Nan's vocal talents. It's about "a light to come, perceptible after the chaos."  It's called Soon Is The Rise... 

Monday, 6 January 2025

The Ratchets - The Way Things Are


  A very well received Just Some Punk Songs show last night and this was definitely one of the most popular songs played. 

  The Ratchets ( are punk scene veterans now. They hail from New Jersey and first featured on here back in 2018 with a track from their First Light album :

   One of their albums is titled Glory Bound. It was originally released in 2006. As 2024 drew to a close a number of outtakes from that debut album's recording sessions were released by Pirates Press Records as an ep under the title Odds & Ends: Volume Two. It sounds great so check it out : 

  This song is a cover of a song originally released in 1994 by Schwartzeneggar on an album titled The Way Things Are....And Other Stories (check it out here : 

  It's called The Way Things Are : 

I'm standing on my pedestal
You're spitting on my grave
I'll crucify myself for your pleasure,
But don't ever call me slave,
'Cause I've made my bones, chosen my route,
When the pistols' triggered, it's time to shoot
Take every chance within my grasp
Keep kicking and fighting 'til my last gasp
And if this is the way things are, it's the way it's meant to be
If this is the way things are, it's the way it's meant to be.

No more crying, no more weepy tears
I've got no time for your indulgence, won't entertain your fears.
'Cause I've made my choice, found my voice
I know where I stand and I raise my hand,
A mountain moves and there's the proof
That the sky's the limit when you face the truth
That I'm a fucker with a mission who's at the top
The pimps that surround me won't let me stop,
They call me friend, it's a trend, it's my blood they spend
'Cause cash or crucifixion, they get you in the end.
And if this is the way things are, it's the way it's meant to be
If this is the way things are, it's the way it's meant to be.

If this is the way things are, it's the way it's meant to be
If this is the way things are, it's the way it's meant to be.
If this is the way things are, more fool me.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

W.O.R.M. - False World Order


  I've mentioned a few times that one of my favourite ever albums is Vertically Unchallenged Baby by Chesterfield punk band W.O.R.M. ( 

  10 years ago (doesn't time fly!) I wrote about my love for it on Colin's Punk Rock World :

  If you've never had the pleasure of hearing it then you should take advantage of the name your price download of the remastered version :

  I mention all the above because the band have just released a new single, a rerecorded version of that album's opening track. It's a treat for the ears, check it out :

  It's called False World Order...

Hey, there's a coffee cup
Sitting on my floor and it needs filling up
So I get out the chair, turn on the TV
And see what's going down in the real world today

I can't believe my eyes so I sit back down
And maybe I'm not insane, It's just everything
That's going on today, everyone is messed up
Suffering and confused, Where do we all go? What do we all do?

People are paralised, but they walk around
Praying to a false god, Worked into the ground
And when the day is done, it's time to relax
Drink some alcohol, Then do it all again, They do it all again

I don't think that the world's real at all

Saturday, 4 January 2025

Thronk - Shit At Your Job



  Welcome to 2025.

  Let's kick off the year with a burst of shouty punk fun.

  Thronk ( are a trio of diy chancers from the Welsh city of Newport. The line up is Andrew Lee Davies (Vocals & Bass), Matt Bartlett (Vocals & Guitar) & Richard Brown (Vocals & Drums). Next week sees the release of a debut titled Aggressively Dissapointing. It'll feature 6 "absolute punk blasters" one of which will be a cover of My Lovely Horse which you may remember from the tv show Father Ted. 

  This is the opening track of which the band say "Fed up of picking up the slack for those around you tossing it off? Are you the one tossing it off  but you are quite proud of that?  Do you pride yourself on poor work ethic or just by being an awkward twat wherever and whenever you can? Then Shit At Your Job is the song for you!"

  Shit At Your Job...