Friday, 14 February 2025

Alex Hellcat - The World On Fire


  An obvious starting point to a blog update about Alex Hellcat ( is that he's listened to more than his fair share of Rancid records. 

  He's from Regensburg, Germany and he's got that bass led punk rock sound down to a tee. 

  Below you'll find his latest song. It's about life in East Germany before reunification and the dismantling of the Berlin Wall. "It touches on oppression, rebellion, and the fight for freedom, expressing frustration, disillusionment, and perhaps lingering resentment about the past and the way history played out."

  It's called The World On Fire...

Ever since this country was divided,
the Eastside skies are always grey.
The wall came down; we're reunited,
side by side but still not the same, no.
It was tough growing up in East Germany.
Run-down houses and few opportunities.
Anything but living the dream,
and we were watched by the state security.

We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
The system in flames was our desire.

Citizens attempting to defect to the golden west,
risked imprisonment and even death - what's left at best?
Dictatorship and state police on your back.
The system kept us numb with booze and cigarettes.
Now welcome to insanity.
And we were told the West is our enemy.
Now tell me, why the fuck is this supposed to be?
Huh, yeah well, whatever.

We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
We set the world on fire.
The system in flames was our desire.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Scowl - B.A.B.E.


  Scowl ( are a hardcore punk band from Santa Cruz, California who've featured plenty of times on the Just Some Punk Songs show but who don't seem to have featured on the blog. One of the main reasons for bands missing out on the blog is that when they release new music it's so popular that everyone jumps on it and features them so I give it a miss and look for something a little more obscure. I think Scowl really need to be shouted about though as they're a little bit special. 

  They're a quintet featuring Kat Moss (vocals), Malachi Greene (guitar), Mikey Bifolco (guitar), Cole Gilbert (drums) & Bailey Lupo (bass). They've been around since 2019 and have been very much in the ascendancy since. They're getting ready to release a new album, a follow up to their 2021 debut How Flowers Grow ( 

  It's titled Are We All Angels and it's due out on April 4th on vinyl, cd and digital download :

  They'll be promoting it with a UK / European tour : 

  This is the 3rd single from it, it highlights Kat's impressive vocal range and it's called B.A.B.E. 

Everyone else just play along Everyone else just signing on a dotted line But you don’t even want to hear it You don’t really want to see No shaking hands, I’m shutting down I’m shutting down entirely Burned at both ends, yeah it just won’t let up I want to catch my breath Everyone here could you please just shut up? I gotta catch my breath Why does the good stuff never last? Everything sacred finds its way to filthy hands Make no mistake, I ain’t lacking in ambition I’m digging my heels I’m not taking your sour pills Burned at both ends, yeah it just won’t let up I want to catch my breath Everyone here could you please just shut up? I gotta catch my breath Don’t know any other way, comfort in the suffering Don’t know any other way, comfort in the suffering Got no feeling, seek the thrill, I’m only in this for the kill Got no feeling, just thrill seeking, in this for the- Take and you take and you just won’t let up But you’ve gotta catch your breath Everyone here could you please just shut up? But I’ll never catch my breath…

Sunday, 2 February 2025

The Prostitutes - Hung By The Phone (Remastered)


  Punk legend Kevin McGovern has featured on this blog numerous times with his band The Prostitutes ( and various other projects such as The Trouble Seekers, The Inversions & 12 Guage Pinup. He even did a few reviews back in the day and shared his Top 10 songs when I could be arsed asking people to do that

  He's back today as I want to share a song from a new compilation album by The Prostitutes. It's titled Broken Ballads & Savage Beats and it features 16 tracks of "Unreleased, Compilation Tracks, Demos, Alternate Versions, Singles spanning 1991-2019." It's released by Sahlugg Records and it's available on limited edition vinyl (red or black) and as a digital download :

  It's a great comp packed with classic Kill By Death style punk tunes. It's timeless stuff by a band that never disappoints. I'll play a different song on this week's Just Some Punk Songs show but on here I'll highlight the remastered version of a song that was originally released as a single in 2002 by The Inversions. They were a short lived trio formed after the Prostitutes split up (for the first time) and saw Kevin joined by Doug and Dave McKean. It's called Hung By The Phone...