Sunday 26 March 2023

CRAN - Policeman

(Photo Rémi Pittsburgh)

  If you've seen anything of the news in recent days you'll be aware that there's been many a story about people taking to the streets of France to condemn a proposed new law to push back the country's retirement age. The police response has been heavy handed with Europe’s leading human rights watchdog accusing them of using “excessive force.”  (

  With all this going on, Paris band CRAN ( have responded by rush releasing the song you'll find below. Of it they say... 

03.23.23 Policeman. Anyone who's come to see us play live has heard this track, one of our two in English. We've been playing it since our very first concert and we never took it out of our set. Here is the studio version of it. Putting it out now and as fast as possible seems like the best thing to do, considering the current context in France. When the French democratic tool is stolen, when our government addresses the protesters only by the violence of men and women in armour. The very same ones that have already mutilated the people by ripping out their eyes or hands, in both very recent and not so recent past. "You hit me in the front, I hit you in the back"

  It's a powerful track and you can download it free here (While you're at it, check out their new album, Natë, which is available name your price)  :


  This is called Policeman...

Hey you Policeman
Look (at) me in the eyes
You useless jerk
Take off your fucking pride

But i know something for sure
I hit you in the back
Cause i’ve seen just more than you
Could even dream about

You won’t believe me
My words agains men’s jokes
You only pay respect
To your sweet mama’s hopes
But i know something for sure
I hit you in the back
Cause i’ve seen just more than you
Could even dream about

Take off your
Fucking pride

Take off your
Fucking pride

I know something for sure
I hit you in the back
Cause i’ve seen just more than you
Could even dream about
I hit you in the back

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