Tuesday 22 November 2022

Pandemix - World War None


  Pandemix are the excellent band from Boston, Massachusetts, who made the hardcore punk world sit up and take notice with the release of their debut album Scale Models Of Atrocities back in 2017. Their 2nd album, 2019's In Condemnation, was even better (a song from it featured here :  https://justsomepunksongs.blogspot.com/2019/03/pandemix-downward-trend.html). 

  Last month saw them release the Dead Celebrities ep (which I'm listening to for the first time as I type this as I have to admit it slipped my notice and I've only just discovered it) and they've just announced there'll be a new album out next year. It'll be titled Love Is Obliteration and it'll be on Boss Tunage Records (UK) and Dirt Cult Records (US).

  Expectations for a classic album were already high and the 2 teaser tracks released thus far seem to confirm this. The Next Crisis is a topical song suggesting we could be sleepwalking towards disaster. The other track (which you'll find below) is even better. Check them both out here :   https://pandemixpunx.bandcamp.com/album/love-is-obliteration

  This is World War None... 

World war none, history has just begun You were born on the run World war none, these soldiers don’t carry guns You were born on the run World War None Everybody’s wringing hands about what must be done Those on high say there’s no conflict, this is the only way, the ones above will call the shots and down here’s where you stay Your lines are unimportant, just a bit part in the play, but it’s your consent and ignorance that paves the fuckin way. “This is how it’s always been”, “look out for number one”, “same shit different day” You’ve accepted what they need you to believe; age old myths for state of the art death machines. Working hard and keep your nose to the grindstone, so you won’t notice you’re alone; Desperation, when will it be my turn? Isolation, with my lessons unlearned. Everyone in their own little domicile, you learn young that you can’t trust a stranger’s smile And that no one is so strange as those you know, and then you notice you’re alone; And camaraderie has been replaced by doubt, constant competition starts to wear you out Wonder if you can ever work your way up, and make the beatings all worth it. Your life’s a slip of paper that’s passed ‘cross the boss’s desk A number on a spreadsheet, expunged once you’re in the red A minor incongruence on the quarterly report Every single second measuring and comparing your worth Realized much too late the competition wasn’t real Another worker takes your place, they can’t refuse the deal You blame yourself, number your faults, the things that you did wrong The class system continues, and world war none carries on

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