Is it possible to be both happy and sad at the same time? I'm guessing it is as that's how I feel now. Happy as I noticed a new ep by Dublin band Grit ( Sad because it's a final posthumous release.
The band first featured on Just Some Punk Songs in 2016 when I admitted to knowing nothing about them other than that they were a female fronted punk band from Dublin who'd recently released a demo ep titled Ghost Estates.
A couple of years later Byrne Os from the band chose his 10 favourite songs :
And then Rebel Time Records' head honcho Randy Smith chipped in naming Nowhere else as one of his favourite recent political/protest songs...
The band released an album in 2021 titled Shatterproof and this was covered here :
And then sadly the final release. It's a 4 track ep titled Perfect Storm and it's a fitting farewell from a fine band. It's the melodic street punk/oi sound we've come to expect and it's available on 7" vinyl and as a name your price download :
Farewell Grit, you'll be missed.
This is Shoulder High...