Wednesday 15 May 2024

Fen Fen - FM


  Here's a band I've played on the show a couple of times recently, they're from Detroit, Michigan and they're called Fen Fen (

  They feature a line up of Luke Bonczyk (vocals), Josh Korf (drums),  Ben Taber (bass) & Jake Hill (guitar) and according to their Bandcamp page their music is the result of what happens when pent-up musicians form a band in a dystopian, pandemic-riddled world and ask an ICU nurse to "scream into this microphone."

 They've been around for a couple of years or so and have just released their debut full length album. It's titled National Threat and it effortlessly hits that punk rock sweet spot. There's no fucking about, no fat needs trimming. None of the 15 tracks head past the 2 minutes mark. Hold on to your hats, strap in and press play... 

  So many old school, hardcore punk ragers to choose from but I'm going with this. It's called FM... 

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