Tuesday 28 May 2024

Sooks - Library (Guest Review By Paul Hammond)


  I featured Sooks a few days ago (https://justsomepunksongs.blogspot.com/2024/05/sooks-medicareless.html) but just in case you didn't believe me, here's a 2nd opinion from Punk AF's Paul Hammond...

It’s not often these days that I get chance to listen to a whole album from any band let alone purchase one.


‘Sooks’ (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558047555029are a 4 piece band from Perth, I’ve had quite a few non Australian listeners enquiring what is a ‘sook’, well it’s a female Crab!


There’s so many great female fronted punk bands around at the moment and these are another from the Australian gift that keeps on giving.


They’ve just dropped an album called ‘Moral Decay’ containing 14 tracks that pack a right punk rock punch.


Great catchy songs, dirty guitars and aggressive vocals delivered right in your face.


I’ve heard so many great Aussie girl punk from the likes of Amyl & The Sniffers, Vicious Blonde, Mitch Please, Backhand, & Dicklord just to name a few.

Sooks remind me a little of ‘Dickmove’ from New Zealand who are another great band.


The album is available on Bandcamp and very worthy of your attention. 



Sooks are the featured band on Punk AF Radio next week Friday June 7th.

This track is called Library...

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