Thursday 16 May 2024

Beige Banquet - Parasitic Energy


  Beige Banquet are a dark punk 5 piece based in London who feature a line up of Tom Brierley (Guitar, Vocals), Joe Munsey (Guitar), Danny Gillies (Bass), Ian Crafter (Drums) & Blake Carlson-Joshua (Percussion). They released a debut album at the start of 2021 titled Beta but I think it was only towards the end of October last year that I came across them. I notice on my Facebook feed I posted the song Animals and mentioned it was going down well with the listeners to the show. 

  That song was the first single to be taken from the latest album, Ornamental Hermit, which was released a couple of months ago. It's 10 tracks of lively post punk and it's available on vinyl, cd and digital download :

  The song I'm highlighting will give you a good idea of what to expect, it's called Parasitic Energy... 

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