Monday 27 May 2024

Be Fair - Roddy Piper


  Be Fair ( the Sheffield/Leeds melodic punk quartet are no strangers to Just Some Punk Songs. I was lucky enough to stumble across their introductory demo 3 years ago and the release of a single the following year saw them return : 

  And now they've just put out one of their strongest songs so welcome back guys.

  It's the 3rd part of a trilogy of singles following on from Montreal Screwjob and Hadfield 5 and I think it's easiest just to let the band introduce it in their own words...

  "It’s 2020. The political system in the UK is a complete joke, led by a clown of a prime minister and a ruling party treating us like characters in a collective Sims game controlled by the elite. Be Fair hadn’t been a band for very long, forced in and out of isolation like the rest of the world. We had written our first set of songs, including this one. This song captures how I felt at that time. I was infuriated by the broken promises, hypocrisy, and double standards of our government. While we isolated from loved ones and people died, Parliament partied. People tore down statues, we saw a frightening rise in right-wing politics, and an institutional denial of inconvenient historical truths. I was enraged by what I witnessed day in and day out, but even more so by the fact that it's been this way for as long as I can remember, with no sign of change. Since then, I've sung this song countless times on stage to small audiences, usually at the end of our set when my untrained and unskilled vocals are nearly ripped from my throat. Yet, I still scream the last lines of this song with every last drop as hard as I did the first time, and I will continue to do so as long as I feel the same frustration. By some sort of serendipity, we finally decided to release this song—one we've had for years but never felt ready to share—just as a general election was announced in the UK.

  "Roddy Piper" is the name of a beloved Canadian wrestler turned actor who sadly passed away in 2015. The name was given to this song as a working title by our Wrestling loving guitarist Dickie - it stuck - and now that's what the songs called. We wrote it years ago, it has nothing to do with wrestling... but we love it, and hope you will to."

  It's a song that starts slowly before building into a glorious crescendo of angst, it's called Roddy Piper... 

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