Saturday 7 March 2015

Complete Control - Daddy's Little Rich Girl

  The main reason for the existence of this blog is to provide me with an outlet in which I can shout out about the music I love in the hope that other people will discover it and enjoy it too. That's why I'll occasionally post classics by punk's leading lights but mainly concentrate on songs that you're less likely to have heard before. Hopefully people are open minded enough to click on a post by someone they've not heard of before rather than just keep listening to what they already know and like.

  If you're one of my target audience (ie you want to hear something new), than can I recommend you lend your ears to a very promising new band from the south west of England. Complete Control are comprised of a bunch of teenagers who began life whilst still at school and who's early gigs saw them playing mostly covers of the songs that they loved (Clash, Ramones, Green Day, Generation X etc...... there's a few clips of them online like this one..... ).

  Increasingly though they're writing their own material and if the song I'm posting below is anything to go by then they're going to be one of the UK's leading lights in years to come. To give you a bit more info, Liam Enticott from the band has kindly penned a few introductory words.......

  "We met at school and formed in our drummer's damp garden shed in 2013 - the freezing cold winter afternoon's set up some truly, and rather out of tune, energetic practise sessions! Since then the music deprived town of Yeovil, in Somerset, has been home to young punk band Complete Control. Our bassist may forget bits, the singing is..."unique" and the drummer may not even know what song we're playing but we still managed to restore faith in the local music scene and gained a respectable following, even if initially we had to win over the people who thought "you're only teenagers, you can't be all that good."

  Since the fourth member joined on rhythm guitar and vocals in the summer of 2014, we've been blasting out originals and covers across the south west, playing new and old punk classics mixed in with original material almost every weekend. We're currently self recording an album which should be ready within the next few months."

  Here's one of their original tunes, it's called Daddy's Little Rich Girl, I think you'll be hearing more from these guys.........

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