Friday 2 August 2024

The Glitterbombs - LGB (with the TNB)


  The Glitterbombs ( are a Brighton punk fusion and the word on the street is that they're ready to blow...

  They've just released a debut single. It's your soundtrack for Brighton Pride 2024 and it's a call for inclusivity and solidarity within the LGBTQ+ community!

  The band sees Niall Sparkles teaming up with Jimmy and Captain Jax, who was on the blog last week as a member of Daffodildos (and Daffodildos have just released a new single so check it out too 

  The Glitterbombs have this to say about their single "The Glitterbombs focus on inclusivity and pushing back against TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists) is an important stand for ensuring that everyone, regardless of their gender identity, feels welcome and celebrated. A catchy, sing-along chorus is a great way to bring people together and amplify the message, making it a rallying cry for all who believe in equality and acceptance. This single is a great addition to pride events and gatherings, helping to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. We hope it will inspire many to join the fight against discrimination and hate!"

  This is LGB (with the TNB)

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