Friday 23 August 2024

Last Quokka - Cost Of Living


  One of my favourite albums of last year was Disconnected by a band from Perth, Australia called Last Quokka ( I featured one of the songs (and told you what a quokka was here : 

  Now they're back (they being Trent (vocals), Carlota (drums), Kirill (guitar), Justin (guitar) & Ray (bass)) with a new song and it's a lively old thing. 

  A few week's ago they posted; "We're fed up. Rent and bills are through the roof. Weed is almost cheaper than fruit n' veg. Saw an avocado for 25 dollars the other day - shit you not. Meanwhile Albo is giving more tax cuts to the rich and spending 8 BILLION on nuclear submarines. What a crock!"

  And that's what the new song deals with. You can find it here :

  The sound of a band finding it hard to put dinner on their plate, this is Cost Of Living... 

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