Saturday 24 August 2024

Disorder - Dangerous Machine (Guest Review By Ralph J Rivera)


  Greetings again from "King Ralph" & the wonderful Jersey Shore! Since my last review here I ran into a bit of a slump as far as new music goes. Sure there were tons of releases coming out but nothing "worth writing about" if you know what I mean.

 But I did get an unexpected surprise around the first week of August. A brand new 4 song EP by one of my top 5 British Punk bands - DISORDER! ( In 1981 these crazy bastards from Bristol, England changed not only the way I "heard" music but also the very way I would look & dress!  I've been following this band all through their career & many line-up changes but their music ALWAYS stayed the same, on the edge of chaos.

 Which brings us up to 2024 and the release of "Nuclear Deterrent".

 4 brand new songs with Taf still on bass & vocals, with Alex on guitar & Jake on drums. This is one of the best versions of "Disorder" I've heard in a long time. Opening with the vitriolic stomper "Dangerous Machine", the cider starts flowing! Next is "Choco Molokko" bringing back the "Rampton Song" style madness. "Rotten" is a mid-pace headbanger that would be right at home on "Perdition". Ending with the title track, Disorder once again prove they just may be one of the best remaining UK82 bands. I give "Taf" insane amounts of credit for keeping this band going for over 40 years! If for some reason you've never heard Disorder this 4 song EP would be a great introduction. How many bands from the 80's can you say that about?

 Still bringing the noise, the chaos & the insanity. Disorder will always be as this song says....

  Dangerous Machine...

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