Monday 22 July 2024

Daffodildos - No Pride


  I'm sure you've heard the saying "A dog is for life not just for Christmas." Well similar sentiments are echoed on today's song. 

  The charmingly named Daffodildos ( are a queer punk trio from Brighton who recently released a debut single. The band feature Emily Flea on vocals. She's featured here twice before with both The Fleas and as a solo artist : 

  Now with Daffodildos she's ably aided and abetted by Captain Jax & Anni Von Flange. The single is a critique of the annual Pride day and in particular how it seems (as is the way with most things) to have become a victim of commercialisation. Starting out as a call for justice, Pride has grown into a corporate sponsored party. Daffodildos deliver a message that we shouldn't forget why we have Pride in the first place and it certainly shouldn't just be a one day a year excuse to party.

  You can get the single here. It's a very impressive introduction...

  This is No Pride...

No pride in capitalism, big corporations, shops and banks
They say they support our community, but they haven't got our backs
No pride in police brutality, rainbows on their cars
For decades we've been victims of their abuse, who the hell do they think they are

We're here, we're queer
We're never gonna disappear
We've been fighting for our rights our entire lives
Not just once a year

No pride in London zoo, what have those poor animals done to you?
No pride in deportation, there's no need for separation
No pride in transphobia, no pride in TERFs
How can they end up leading the march, tell me could this get any worse?

We're here, we're queer
We're never gonna disappear
We've been fighting for our rights our entire lives
Not just once a year
We're here, we're queer
We're never gonna disappear
You think this is an annual event
But your stuck with us all year

Call yourself an ally because you wear rainbows once a year
But for the rest of the time you remain silent and our community live in fear
The first pride was a protest, but now it's just an excuse
For everyone to get drunk and party all night
While the queers still suffer from regular abuse

We're here, we're queer
We're never gonna disappear
We've been fighting for our rights our entire lives
Not just once a year x4
We're here, we're queer
We're never gonna disappear
You think this is an annual event
But your stuck with us all year

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