Wednesday 10 July 2024

Dark Harvest Commandos - Clown Island


  My friend and occasional Just Some Punk Songs contributor Ralph J Rivera has been notable by his absence from this blog recently (hint hint Ralph) but that hasn't stopped him recommending great music in Facebook. 

  On one such recommendation he espoused "Relentless Anarcho-Punk Thrash from Glasgow, Scotland. Obviously "Disaffect" was a huge influence on this band. Excellent female vocals & very time appropriate lyrics. This band would have been huge in the early 90's Crust scene. 6 songs that blow by you in a flash so listen repeatedly! Killer Punk Rock 2024!"

  He was talking about Dark Harvest Commandos ( As he mentioned, they're a DIY hardcore outfit from Glasgow and they've recently released a Self Titled ep on Sanctus Propaganda. It's half a dozen short, sharp bursts of social and political commentary. It's bloody good too so check it out :

  This one's calling for the Tory scum to go so no doubt they were celebrating round at Dark Harvest Commandos towers last week (although the collapse of the SNP vote probably won't have been received with the same zeal) . It's called Clown Island...

Inspired to stand up So, I sat down to write, Pissed off with Society, I’m fucked off with this shite! Vote for Independence? The dead folk had their say Stuck on Clown Island with Brexit, It’s the poorest folk who pay Libraries and Swimming pools, Closing anything that feeds the mind Stop voting in the Tories, Refuse to accept this shit! No funding for communities, No staff to run the show. Striking Doctors and Nurses, It’s the Tory scum who have to go! Look at our brothers across the channel, They’re rioting in France! The streets still have legitimacy, Let’s give ourselves a fighting chance! I remember Stop the City, I remember Kill the Bill, The State only understands violence, Stand up, Get the Tories out! Billions for their best mates, 12 years austerity for us, History will show they raped the UK, Stand up, Get the Tories out! Vote for Independence? The dead folk had their say Stuck on Clown Island with Brexit, It’s the poorest folk who pay

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