Saturday 12 December 2020

Motherfucker Teresa - Blue Lives Murder


  I've got to be honest, I come across loads and loads (and loads) of bands whilst looking for music to shout about on here and there honestly aren't enough hours in the day to properly listen to everything. So when you see a band with a name like Motherfucker Teresa (, they stand out from the crowd and entice you into checking them out. 

  Grabbing your attention is one thing but keeping it is another and happily the Denver, Colorado outfit managed to keep me interested with their shouty, energetic, crusty style of punk rock. They play political punk, they're anti proud boys and pro Antifa so they're on the same wavelength (I assume) as most of the visitors to this blog. They're pretty damn noisy too. 

  And they've recently released a 9 track album titled Old News Is Still New News. It deals with subjects local to them (Fuck Nancy Pelosi is a 13 second swearathon aimed towards the speaker of the US House Of Representatives whilst Me And mitch mcConnell In A Dark Alley isn't going to win any awards for lyrical complexity but it lets us know what the band would like to do to the senate majority leader) and further afield (Plastic despairs about the mess we've made of our oceans and House Of The Rising Rent (101 Gentrifications) deals with a growing problem in most developing countries). There's even a lively cover of Body Count's Cop Killer. 

  Below you'll find another anti cop song, it's called Blue Lives Murder... 

You kill people for selling CD's
I say 'You're a fucking disease"
You think you stop people from breaking laws
Well I say you're the fucking cause
"Protect and Serve?"
What fucking Nerve?!
"Serve and Protect?"
What Disrespect!!
Choke you out til you can't breathe
Laughing when your family grieves

You say your life is in constant threat?
We say you ain't seen nothing yet
You say your life is in constant threat?
We say you ain't seen nothing yet
Dead cops get what they deserve
And Deserve just what the get
Dead Cops get what they deserve
And Deserve just what they get!!

Beating women like Ray Rice did
Killing more people than I.S.I.S.
You're an epidemic and a crisis
Six Feet Under's Fucking Finest
Why are you so fucking evil?
Why are you so fucking evil?!
Why are you so fucking evil?!


Defend the klan and DAPL
Blue lives matter can go to hell
Killing kids then bragging on FOX
Big guns compensating small cocks
You claim to live by the badge
Killing mothers under the flag
Well I say that badge ain't shit
But a shiny price tag


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