Tuesday 13 February 2018

Red Or Dead - Strummer And Burnel

  Those of us that are old enough to have been around in the late 70's will remember that the UK punk scene was a hotbed of exciting new music with bands springing up in cities and towns across the country. Angry young men and women were discovering that you didn't necessarily have to be all that talented to join in the fun. All you needed, according to Mark Perry, was to learn 3 chords and away you went. Obviously though, many of those young punks were very talented, Strummer and Burnel were just a couple of them.

  The mention of punk rock brings to mind noisy, fast songs. Often accompanied with lyrics protesting about pretty much everything. With socially active North Wales band Red Or Dead you get plenty of lyrics that hit out at deserving targets, what you don't get is noisy or fast. Instead you get a more considered approach, they're still trying to bring down the system but they're doing it at their own pace. Think intelligent acoustic folk with a punk influence, I'm almost tempted to say think latter day Chumbawamba, but maybe that's just me. Think well crafted songs that make you engage your brain rather than jump around.

  They released their new album last month to a fanfare of positive press. It's titled Trotsky Waltz and you can check it out here :   https://red-or-dead.bandcamp.com/album/trotsky-waltz

  Another link worth sharing is their Facebook page...   https://www.facebook.com/redordeadmusic/

  The song you'll find below is a look back to a time when the band members were probably a little rowdier (if they were even around back then), before they became old punks and decided that angry songs were better delivered with rapier as opposed to bludgeon. This is Strummer And Burnel....

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