Monday, 24 March 2025

Spiky Brats - Beerbrats


  "I don't know anything about Korean band Spikey Brats" is what I was going to start this first paragraph with but then I did a Facebook search to check if they were on there and it turned out I'd posted a song by them (this one in the Facebook group The strange, obscure, diy and outsider music back in 2015. 

  They're a pogo punk band, a happier Casualties... big hair and fast tunes. Think of bands such as Drinking Boys and Girls Choir and Rumkicks and you won't be a million miles away. 

  I'm not sure where you can buy this song from but I do know that it brightened up my Monday morning so I'm posting it here. Enjoy.

It's called Beerbrats... 


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