Sunday, 16 March 2025

Rudimentary Paste - That's Why She Lost Her Job as a Blue Peter Presenter


  So today's song is one of those that you gravitate towards it because of the title before realising it's really rather good. It's by a "foamcore" (yeah, fucked if I know what that means too) band from Norwich called Rudimentary Paste (

  They're a trio featuring Sim (vocals/guitar), Bob (bass/vocals) & Nigel (drums/vocals) and they debuted this time last year with an ep titled Octopus Milk & Other Tall Tales.

  The new ep features 3 tracks and it's available from Portsmouth label Weekend Offender Records on 7" Lathe Cut Record In Card Sleeve :

  It's also on there and on the band's own Bandcamp page as a digital download :

  Reminding me a little of Mclusky, this is the title track. It's called That's Why She Lost Her Job as a Blue Peter Presenter...

She says, drink paint
And I say, no you probably shouldn't drink paint
Shouldn't drink paint
Shouldn't drink
Shouildn't drink paint
Shouldn't drink paint
Drink paint!

She says, eat soap
And I say, no you probably shouldn't eat soap
Shouldn't eat soap
Shouldn't eat
Shouldn't eat soap
Shouldn't eat soap
Eat soap!

Sometimes, she says, you just have to
Eat the apple

Picking the bones of progress of sorts and I am concussed by milky affectation

She says, brush until your gums bleed
And I say, don't brush that hard
Dentists say do not brush that hard

She says, don't eat my filthy bread
She says, don't eat my filthy bread
She says, don't eat my filthy bread
And you definitely shouldn't eat that bread 'cos that bread will definitely kill you

Sometimes, she says, you just have to
Stitch yourself into the walls

Picking the bones of progress of sorts and I am concussed by milky affectation
She's carrying something
Now she is walking
What is she carrying?
Where is she?

I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine
I'm fine

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