I wasn't going to bother posting anything from the new Lambrini Girls (https://www.facebook.com/LambriniGirlsband) album as I'm sure it's going to be popping up everywhere (it certainly deserves to). But it's so good I couldn't at least not give it a mention.
It's called Who Let The Dogs Out and it elevates the Brighton outfit to a higher level. It's a no fucks given treat. It's available on vinyl, cd and digital download and if you've any interest at all in confrontational punk noise you need to put all your 40+ year old punk favourites to one side for a while and play this fucker loud https://lambrinigirlsband.bandcamp.com/album/who-let-the-dogs-out
Punk rock in 2025 doesn't get much better than this. Amyl And The Sniffers are your "new favourite band"? Trust me, Lambrini Girls are better.
As they've just released a new video I'll pick this song to highlight. Punk as fuck and you can even dance to it if your old crumbling punk bones will allow it! It's called Cuntology 101...
Better than amyl? Do me a favor!