Thursday 26 October 2023

Terrorpins - Enough


  A new band for you today who Bandcamp describe as playing "a fusion of rock, punk, metal, indie, post-rock and hardcore with influences extending far and wide, creating a sound that displays calculated and lovingly crafted music." They're called Terrorpins (, they're from the north of England and they feature current members of Bruise Control & Roughneck Riot, Ex-members of Bootscraper & Wonk Unit and they're fronted by singer-songwriter/antifolk musician, Tim Loud... (Tim Loud, Ryan (Roughneck Riot), Tommy (Bruise Control) and Dan (Bootscraper)). 

  They've an ep on the way which will be released via Toxic Wotsit and they're just about to kick off a tour...

  They've also released a debut single of which they say "It’s a song inspired by the strikes and collective trade union movement that works under the banner Enough is enough. The movement is striving to improve working conditions and fight back against years of Tory austerity, cuts and outright theft of public funds. The poverty and suffering in this country is not a necessity, it is a decision made by those who lied and cheated their way into power. All of society is a construct and we can do better."

  It's called Enough...

I've had enough. I can't take anymore.
I'm sick of watching my friends struggle to meet the ends while we are fighting their war.
Cos we invented the wheel, they just use it.
And if we learn how to feel, they abuse it.
Their world isn't real, we just choose it.
I've had enough.

I've had enouh of the lies, I've had enough of the ties that fucking bind us to nothing til the day that we die.
Another worn out cog in their shitty machine.
Their machine that can't work without us as the fuel.
Their machine built on prisons and churches and schools.
Their machine that can only consume.

I'm not talking about them as in colour of skin, the place they were born or the one that they live in.
I'm talking about those who would seek to have power, to hold it above us, to cause us to kneel and to cower.
They want knowledge just to make you feel dumb.
Their time has come.

I've had enough. I can't take anymore.
I'm sick of watching my friends struggle to meet the ends while we are fighting their war.
Cos we invented the wheel, they just use it.
And if we learn how to feel, they abuse it.
Their world isn't real, we just choose it.
I've had enough.

I've had enouh of the lies, I've had enough of the ties that fucking bind us to nothing til the day that we die.
Another worn out cog in their shitty machine.
Their machine that can't work without us as the fuel.
Their machine built on prisons and churches and schools.
Their machine that can only consume.

1 comment:

  1. Accrington, 5th November, Imposta Coffee, Kurfew Club Pop Up
