Monday 8 July 2024

Zatopeks - Jarama Valley


  No need to write much about today's song as I featured London band Zatopeks ( last month (

  I just wanted to let you know that the new album, Loitering And Sauntering, is out now and I'd say it's probably my favourite release of the year so far so go snap it up, you won't regret it : 

  I played this song on last night's Just Some Punk Songs show and the chatroom loved it so I'll highlight it again here. It's a rejigged version of Woody Guthrie's Red River Valley, leaning more lyrically to the version from 1938 by Alex McDade, of the British Battalion, XV International Brigade which was published in The Book of the XV International Brigade by the Commissariat of War, Madrid. It's called Jarama Valley... 

There’s a valley in Spain called Jarama It’s a place we all know so well It was there that we fought against the fascists We saw that peaceful valley turn to hell We signed up with the Lincoln Battalion We’re proud of the fight that we made And we know that you people of the valley Will remember our Lincoln Brigade From this valley they say we are going But don’t hasten to bid us adieu Even though we lost the battle at Jarama We’ll set this valley free before we’re through You will never find peace with these fascists You’ll never find friends such as we So remember our Lincoln Battalion The people that’ll set this valley free Now all of this world is like Jarama So green, and so bright, and so fair No fascists will live in our valleys Or breathe in our new freedom’s air

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