Sunday 23 June 2024

Class Tourists - Your Grandad Fought The Nazis...


  Class Tourists ( are from Wakefield and they've just released a double single titled R.Y.A. / Genocide which you can find here :

  It's also available on cassette via Noise Merchant Records (only 7 copies are left as I type this so get in now if you want one)

  As well as the 2 tracks on the single, the cassette version has a couple of extra ones, Cruel Bombs and the one I'm featuring on here today which was originally released in March and of which the band say this...

"It's about these white nationalists we have over here. I guess in America, they're called rednecks or Trump supporters. Over here, they're called 'gammon' or 'flagshaggers' or 'tories'. These people are so proud of this country's history of conquest and colonialism, and take being on the winning side of two world wars very seriously. However, they believe in keeping Britain white and British, and they feel threatened by change. They use marginalised groups like immigrants and trans people as a punching bag, to take out their frustrations at how fucked the country is. I don't know about you, but I think that sounds like they're sharing the same views of those Nazis that they're grandparents fought in the 40's. People like that perpetuate hate, and i hate that they exist. The thing that inspired me to write the song was when I saw a clip of a Patriotic Alternative demo in my hometown of Castleford. They're a neo-nazi group, similar to EDL or Britain First. I just think they're sad bellends, so I wrote a song about how sad they are."

  Hard hitting political punk doesn't come much better, this is Your Grandad Fought The Nazis...

Your grandad fought the nazis
And now you've turned into one
If he could fucking see you now
He’d sure hate his grandson
You take the kids to Armed Forces Day, to see instruments of war
“Your great grandad got killed with that, and he was never told what for”

You poison your kids with traditionalism and hate
They look up to a wife beating flagshagging reprobate
They’re gammon on training wheels, they’re flourishing in school
Before you fucking know it, they’ll be turning into you

Into you
Into you
The last we need is another you

You only fuck to reproduce, you think the pigs are sound
You think people from Pakistan are ruining this town
The monarchy and state have really made you their bitch
They forgot about the north before they shut down all the pits

Your grandad fought the nazis
Now you’ve turned into one
If you had been around back then
He’d shoot his own grandson

You’d think we've learned our lesson
but we’ve got no fucking clue
Thanks to people, people just like you

Just like you
Just like you
The last we need is another you

If hates a weapon then you’re firing it the wrong way

There’s no use
There’s no use
You’ll never learn
There’s no use
I hate you
I hate you
The last we need is another you
Another you

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