Tuesday 18 March 2014

La Dispute - HUDSONVILLE, MI 1956

Once upon a time, Black Francis sang, ominously, "it is time, for stormy weather"

The sense of foreboding and unease found on the above mentioned Pixies song is nothing compared with that on the lead track on Rooms Of The House, the new album from Michigan post hardcore outfit La Dispute. Poetic and imbued with a sense of creeping dread the song, HUDSONVILLE, MI 1956 tells of the  battening down of hatches to ride out the tornado which is tearing up power lines, splitting neighbour's sheds and bending in kitchen windows. A mother trying to drown out the cataclysmic sound of sirens and the howling wind whilst worrying for the safety of her absent husband as he in turn worries about his wife and baby son. The worst of the storms touched ground up in Hudsonville.....

"Stay calm
Keep the radio loud
Take care"

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